A Meeting of the Minds

meeting rental spaces in Bend

Learning can emerge as spontaneous order at the edge of chaos. —Sugata Mitra, Professor of Educational Technology, Newcastle University

Now that the worst of COVID is behind us and businesses are returning to business, we need more places to meet. Many organizations downsized or gave up their real estate during national closures. Now, some have back-to-office mandates without the same office space to work in. Using a hoteling system to reserve space sometimes results in overbooking, leading to underwhelming outcomes.

To back away from the “edge of chaos,” consider using The Breakroom—one of the best meeting rental spaces in Bend—for your staff trainings, quarterly events, strategic meetings, and more. Here’s what you’ll find:

For Trainings

The only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave is not training them and having them stay. Henry Ford, Founder, Ford Motor Company 

According to Forbes, creating a culture of training and development in the workplace yields multiple benefits, including:

  • Improved employee performance and engagement,
  • Enhanced leadership capabilities, and
  • Improved employee retention.

In today’s workforce regular training is mandatory—not just to stay afloat, but to stay ahead of your competition. Strengthen your organizational culture by reserving your space at The Breakroom for a comfortable, creative training environment—and we’ll handle all aspects of hospitality, too!

For Team-Building

None of us is as smart as all of us. —Ken Blanchard, Author, Consultant & Speaker

Team Stage, a project management software system, notes these impressive statistics:

  • A fully engaged workforce can deliver twice the revenue,
  • 75% of staff say teamwork and collaboration are crucial to corporate success, and
  • 33% of employees believe fostering a collaborative culture leads to increased loyalty.

Recapture your “we” post-COVID by scheduling regular team-building events at The Breakroom. You’ll start to move the needle toward greater worker engagement, clearer communication, and stronger collaboration.

For Transformation

In strategy it is important to see distant things as if they were close and to take a distanced view of close things. —Miyamoto Musashi, Japanese Swordsman

In July 2024, the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Office of Advocacy noted nearly 20,000 large businesses…and 35 million small businesses formed the country’s economic backbone. Clearly, these smaller entities must find a way to differentiate themselves toward transformation while also tackling the usual challenges inherent in business, and sometimes, that requires a change of scenery for solutions to take shape. Gather your wisest minds at The Breakroom to innovate for a brighter future. We’ll host your group in a place that’s conducive to both creativity and productivity, affording you time, space, and perspective to transform your business plans.

The Breakroom offers one of the few meeting rental spaces in Bend that truly supports local small businesses and their employees’ needs. Come on down to NW 11th & Newport Ave.—we’ve always got room for you.

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