1055 “B” NW Newport Avenue Bend, Oregon 97703
Renters First Name
Renters Last Name
Renters Email
Event Type
Music Type BluetoothPhone CastNot Sure
Requested Rental Date
Requested Rental Start Time (we are open 7am - 10pm) 7am8am9am10am11am12pm1pm2pm3pm4pm5pm6pm7pm8pm9pm
Requested Rental End Time (we are open 7am - 10pm) 7am8am9am10am11am12pm1pm2pm3pm4pm5pm6pm7pm8pm9pm
Table Configuration Cocktail Party - no tables, limited chairsDinner Party - 4-5 round tables, 6-8 chairs per tableClassroom Style - 1-4 tables, 20 chairsPresentation Style - 1-2 tables, podium & white board, 18-48 chairsBoardroom or Square Style - 4-5 tables, 20-40 chairs
Will you be serving alcohol? YesNo
[group group-alcohol] If yes, see below and select one Open BarHosted Bar [/group]
Anything else?